bokeh Next Steps Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 17:29:50 Hi! Everybody! Welcome back in this video, we're gonna wrap up our Boca content. 17:29:55 By talking about some next steps you can take if you'd like to learn. 17:30:00 So what did we learn in this section? Well, we introduced the Boka plotting package. 17:30:05 This package allowed us to use python to make interactive web visualizations that were powered by Javascript in the background. 17:30:12 At the beginning we just learned how to make static scatter and line plots, and then saw how we can add a little bit of basic interactivity with hovering. 17:30:19 And selecting near the end, I demonstrated how you could use Boca for making more interactive plots, using some javascript. 17:30:28 We also throughout this whole entire section, learned bogus syntax, repending gliffs, editing the appearances of plot elements, and more. 17:30:36 So you have a really strong base in Boca. If you're ready to learn more of the different glyph styles and chart types you can make with Boca as well as his as well as if you are very interested in making far more energy plots using Boca and 17:30:52 Javascript, so there's a lot left to learn. 17:30:55 We didn't talk about a variety of chart types that we've touched on before. 17:30:58 We didn't talk about how you can use boka servers to make applications and there's just a lot more you can learn with Boca. 17:31:08 So one way you can try and learn more is by reading through the documentation. 17:31:11 They have a nice handful of nice tutorials and first steps, as well as just the reference for the documentation. 17:31:20 I will say that Boca's documentation and my limited experience writing this notebook and these notebooks is not as nice as Netflix Seborn or the next pocket the next package we're going to learn it's probably of the 4 the the Hardest to 17:31:38 parse that's not to say it's not worthwhile, just, you know, taking some time, if you want to read through the documentation, you may have to take more time to learn about Boca that way than with the other plots. 17:31:49 But don't get discouraged, I would say most of the answers to questions that I had while learning Boka was in the documentation it just took, maybe a somewhat annoying amount of time to try and parse that documentation in comparison to map plot lib or seborn you can browse the 17:32:07 gallery, which I think is fun. They have some nice examples of interactive plots and interactive dashboards that maybe can serve as inspiration or provide answers to questions. 17:32:19 You may have or make you want to learn, a different type of book applied. 17:32:25 You can do if you're trying to work on a Boca plot and you get stuck on something I would encourage you to do a web search. 17:32:33 So Bocas had. This is another warning. It's had a wide variety of package releases. 17:32:40 And so, for instance, like, you know the 2.0 and the 1.0 and etc. So when you do a web search, be careful to see both the date when the question was being asked, and what version of the package was being, asked about because as developers continue to code and develop features change and become 17:33:00 Discontinued or get added. So just be careful and be mindful of what version of the package you have versus what version you're reading answers for, and then, finally, if you're really encouraged and want to do more Boka plotting, just try it the best way to learn and programming and i'll say this with 17:33:16 Any next steps throughout the rest of this Mini course is, you just gotta try it, and you may fail a few times or more than a few times, but I've found that I learn more about how the code in the programming works by failing then by getting it right from the very beginning. 17:33:31 So you know, that's just something to keep in mind that being said, I hope you enjoyed learning about the Boca package, and you're encouraged to learn more. 17:33:39 And the next little subsection of Python, which is our last subsection of Python we're going to learn about the plot we package. 17:33:47 So look forward to that alright. I hope you enjoyed this video.