Part-to-Whole Plots Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 09:08:14 Hi! Everybody! Welcome back in this video. We're going to learn how to make part. 09:08:19 2 whole plots in tableau. So one of those mean. 09:08:22 So these are pi charts which we've seen before, as well as Trig maps, which we'll learn later in this lecture. 09:08:29 So pie charts. These are our charts, as we've seen before, where we take a circle, and we break it into wedges based upon a percent or account. 09:08:39 And then the angle of the wedge represents the value of the thing we're trying to represent. 09:08:45 So the first type of pie chart we might want to make is one that's counting subgroups instead of going through this slide. 09:08:51 What I'm going to do is slide on over to tableau. 09:08:54 We're working with the penguins data set again. 09:08:57 And in particular, we're going to show you how to make a pie chart that counts the different types of species of the penguins. 09:09:07 So the first thing we need to do is go over to Mark's and go down from automatic to Pi. 09:09:13 And now, once we have that, the next thing we're gonna do is take the thing that we'd like to, you know, be represented as the wedges. 09:09:19 So for us, it's gonna be the count of the species, and drag it on over to angle, and then we're gonna go to the little wedge or the little marker here that shows up and we're gonna go ahead and go to measure and you'll notice that it's red 09:09:34 here because currently, it's a dimension and as you can see, the little era that pops up the field species is invalid here for pie marks which require continuous numeric fields, so because it is a discrete dimension, it doesn't like that so what we're going to do is switch it over to a 09:09:51 measure, and the count of the species. So now we can see that we're okay. And you might be wondering. 09:09:57 Well, wait. That still seems weird. It's just counting all of them. 09:10:02 That's because the next thing we have to do is add the color. 09:10:05 So we're gonna go here and add species to color. 09:10:08 And now we have a pie chart broken down by species, and I'll increase the size so we can see it a little bit better. Okay? 09:10:17 And then let me go ahead and do the same thing for the bottom. 09:10:20 Here! 09:10:23 Alright. And now, when we hover over, we can see that there are 68 chinstrap penguins, 124 gin, 2 penguins, and 152 adolescents. 09:10:33 Now, instead of the counts, it might be useful to see the percentage. 09:10:37 So how can we do that? Well, this is what's called a quick table calculation. 09:10:42 So, instead of having to calculate the percentages on our own, we can use tableau's quick table calculation, fee so you're gonna click on the little arrow of the desired thing, there's desired measure that you would like to make into a a percentage and 09:10:57 you're gonna go down to quick tabulation, and then you're gonna go for if you want to go to percentage, you're gonna go to percentage, you're gonna go to percent of total. 09:11:06 So now, instead of the counts, it's gonna see? 09:11:09 Say, tell us that 19.7 7% of the penguins are chinstrap 36 point O. 09:11:16 5% of the penguins are Gen. 2 and 44.1 9% of the penguins are Adelaide. 09:11:24 Okay, so this is how we can make a pie chart that does percentages instead of the rock counts. 09:11:29 Now you can also make a pie chart, so let's go ahead and make a new sheet. 09:11:37 Sometimes it's useful to see a pie chart that breaks down and measure. 09:11:42 So this isn't really useful here for the penguins data set. 09:11:45 But we're still gonna use it so you could make one. 09:11:49 For instance, if you're working in a financial problem or a business problem, maybe you want to see what percentage of your sales are coming from different sectors of the market or different regions. 09:11:59 So how can you do that? Instead of dragging over a dimension and then turning it into account, you can drag over a measure. 09:12:06 Go to your angle. And so now, for instance, it will be the sum of the body mass, and maybe we want to see what this sum is based upon the island. 09:12:16 Something like this. So now you can see it tells you the body mass, the total body mass of all penguins that come from the dream island. 09:12:24 The total body mass of all penguins that come from the Torgerson Island, and the total body mass of all penguins that come from the Bisco Island. 09:12:33 If we wanted to again see percentage of total body mass, we could do that again with a quick table calculation. 09:12:39 But I'm going to leave it as this for you. 09:12:42 Okay, so that is a pie charts, both for stub groups making quick table calculations to get the percentage. 09:12:51 And then doing different measures. Okay? 09:12:55 So the next thing we're gonna learn about our tree maps. 09:12:59 If my! If my slides will keep moving. So a tree map is a unique, not a unique, but is a type of chart where you take a large rectangle like you see down here, and then you break that larger rectangle down into smaller rectangles and the area of 09:13:16 the smaller rectangle, the ratio of that area to the ratio of the whole rectangle represents the fraction of the whole. 09:13:24 So, for instance, the fraction of group ones area to the entire whole rectangles area would give you what percentage of whatever you're counting comes from. 09:13:35 Group one. So this is pretty straightforward to make, in tableau, and instead of looking at the slide, I'm just gonna show you how to make it so let's add a new sheet here. 09:13:44 So you're gonna go ahead and click on. So for us, why don't we do species? 09:13:50 And then we drag that over to size, and then after that we do measure, count cause we're gonna be counting again. 09:13:59 Now you might be, and then again we will do the color. 09:14:04 I almost forgot that part. So now you can see we've automatically made a tree map. 09:14:09 Alternatively. You might get something weird happening. You could always try and make a tree map, using. 09:14:13 Show me by clicking on the tree map. Icon, that I'm currently highlighting with my cursor. 09:14:18 So that's how you can make a tree map this way. 09:14:21 Okay. And so you can see the difference like here, I think what it was doing was treating it as a bar chart. 09:14:30 For some reason, and let me go ahead, and I have to wait for a second. There we go. 09:14:36 Let me go ahead and drag this back to size. Okay, so this is for some reason. 09:14:40 Still considered a bar chart, but you can see the difference once we click on tree map and it changes the color scheme to where the color, as you can see in the little legend or color bar up here, the color represents the type of the number of observations within so 68 09:15:00 is the smallest, and for some reason that's the lightest. 09:15:01 With this color map and 1 52 is the largest, and that's the darkest. 09:15:05 So we could even change this color bar if we wanted. If we did like form. 09:15:11 Maybe edit colors, and we could change it to. 09:15:15 I don't know. What do we wanna change to gray warm? Maybe. 09:15:20 Hey? So now we have a different one. So tree maps don't have to be colored like this. 09:15:25 We could go back to our original setup, where? 09:15:30 Our original setup, where it's a where it's a bar chart that we then customize the size. 09:15:38 And this species, and then add the the text, the label, and so maybe people prefer this. 09:15:44 So just be aware that sometimes tableau does things oddly, and you need to sort of I don't know. 09:15:53 You need to like sort of fix it on your own. So you know, what am I trying to do here? 09:15:58 I was trying to see if I could quickly increase the font of the text, but it looks like looks like that's proving to be difficult. 09:16:07 So anyway, yeah. 09:16:11 Maybe if I do this, there we go. So now that I've increased the font of the text, we can maybe read the penguins a little bit more easily. 09:16:21 Okay. So we've seen how to make pie charts, both with counting and percentages, with measures. 09:16:29 And we've also seen how to make tree maps, either by hand, using automatic or by using. 09:16:36 Show me and transitioning that into a tree map which is slightly different. 09:16:40 Okay, so that's it for this video in this lecture you now have seen how to make 2 different types of part-to-hole plots that are in tableau. 09:16:52 You, can edit them and format them. However, you'd like using the other things we've learned up to this point, and just as a reminder, these workbooks, these 3 worksheets within this workbook will be uploaded to the Irish Institute tableau public account so you can find it 09:17:08 there and then your version of the slides will have an additional slide on. 09:17:11 It with the link to that uploaded workbook. All right.