Stories Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 13:43:48 Hi! Everybody! Welcome back in this video, we're gonna learn about tableau stories. 13:43:55 These are collection of visuals that are presented in sequence. 13:44:00 So these are very similar to a Powerpoint presentation just using tableau to create it instead of like Google slides or Microsoft Powerpoint. 13:44:08 So we're gonna start to learn how to create a story. 13:44:13 In tableau so intact, typically, you'll have your visualizations already done. 13:44:19 So at this stage, when you're looking to create a story or like in the previous with dashboard, we'll have some visualizations to try and show off multiple visualizations. 13:44:26 We've got this payroll plotter that we've used the past couple videos. 13:44:31 And then this other visualization that shows the different salaries paid by a team over time, along with the luxury tax which is a red circle and the salary cap for the Nba. 13:44:44 In that season which is an orange source. So to create a story, we would then go to the bottom here and create, hit the button. 13:44:54 That says new story, and then a difference between dashboards and stories is that dashboards can hold multiple visualizations within a single dashboard. 13:45:04 Stories can only hold a single visualization which, within a story page. 13:45:10 So for the first one I'm going to go ahead and bring in sheet to. 13:45:13 So now sheet to once it's done populating will be placed on the first page of the story let's while that's loading, let's go ahead and go along. 13:45:25 So we've shown this. We've shown this. And so we've talked about adding sheets. 13:45:31 Okay. So I wanted to remind myself what the name was. So instead of like a slide, this is called a story point. 13:45:37 So each slide within the within the story is known as a story point. 13:45:46 The next thing we can do is add a new one. 13:45:50 So, in order to add a new slide, there are 2 options you can either make a blank slide, which is what we started off with, or we could doplicate the existing slide. So for me, I'd like to just create a blank slide. 13:46:03 And now here I'm gonna go ahead and slide this other sheet on to here and now I've got a presentation that has a 2 visualizations in it. 13:46:12 You can alternate between them, using these 2 visualizations in it, you can alternate between them, using these. 13:46:17 So this will take you to the first slide that will take you to the second. 13:46:19 Slide that will take you to the first slide that will take you to the second. You can also click on the arrows. 13:46:21 Let me move. I gotta move my little zoom. There we go! 13:46:25 So the arrows will also allow you to alternate. 13:46:28 So in the default version you can add captions. So we could make the first caption, Mba. 13:46:35 Team payrolls. 13:46:39 Over time, and then the second one could be a team payroll water, and there we go, so you can add a nice to move my zoom yet again you can add a story title, hey? 13:47:01 Sample story using Nba payroll visualizations. 13:47:11 Okay, and what else can we do? I think that's mostly everything I wanted to cover. 13:47:17 Let me double check of our slides. So we talked about story points, story points again. 13:47:23 Okay, so how do we edit these sort of navigator arrows? 13:47:27 So we can go to layout, and then you have this navigator style so currently, they're captioned boxes. 13:47:36 But they could be numbers. They could just be dots, or they could be arrows only. 13:47:40 Okay, so all these are available. I'm gonna stick with the caption boxes because I have captions of available to me. 13:47:50 I want to demonstrate. Within the story slides these visualizations are just as interactive as you made them before. 13:47:58 So here I can go through and filter if I'd like, okay, so maybe I wanna see the 2023 New Orleans pelicans. 13:48:07 If I wanted to. So that is basically it. 13:48:12 So let me check. We did that. We talked about maybe I didn't mention you can edit the story size by going to the story. Tab. 13:48:21 You can go down here to size and change the size of the slides or the story points, as tableau calls them. 13:48:28 But that is it. So? You all you need to create a story is visualizations that you've made in worksheets. 13:48:34 And then an idea for how you're going to present them. 13:48:35 So I will say that the example we've done here is not a great story, not a great slide show. 13:48:42 Typically right in a story you're trying to actually tell us story whereas here I was just demonstrating how to create a story in tableau. 13:48:52 Okay, what that being said, that's it for this video as a reminder, I will provide the complete workbook for this, a link to it on our Institute tableau public page. 13:49:02 In your version of the slides. I hope you enjoyed this video.