Line Charts Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 15:59:49 Hi! Everybody! Welcome back in this video. We're gonna learn about line charts before we get started with the lecture. 15:59:55 I wanted to point out something real, quick that I forgot to mention, in the Scatter plot video. 16:00:00 So all the workbooks, the I will be completing in these lecture videos will be uploaded to the erdish Institute's Tableau public Profile. 16:00:10 So, for instance, you can see the workbook for the lecture. 16:00:14 6 scatter plots here so you can see once you click on it, it opens it up. 16:00:20 In tableau public, and then there's a little download button if you'd like to download the completed version of the plot, you can do so here. 16:00:28 With that being said, I will include a link to all of the to all the completed workbooks on the Airdish Institute's Profile. 16:00:38 At the end of the slides the slides can be found in the Github Repository, and the Github Repository. 16:00:47 In in the tableau folder of the lectures. 16:00:49 Okay. That being said, let's get back to line charts and learn about those. 16:00:55 So you can make a scatter chart into a line chart by choosing the line. Mark. 16:01:01 So let's go ahead and do that. So I'm just gonna go ahead and recreate the plot we had last time. 16:01:12 So I've got father on the horizontal height, on the vertical. 16:01:18 I'm going to leave aggregate measures on for this, and you'll see why in a second. 16:01:24 So what I'm going to do is instead of doing all of the observations as individual marks. 16:01:30 I'll plot the average. So how do I change from some to average? 16:01:35 You can click the arrow in the rows or columns, go down to measure, and you can see currently some is clicked. 16:01:42 I'm gonna check, change it to average. So for the average height, I'm gonna go ahead and let me also get rid of these zeros in here. 16:01:55 So if I want to go ahead and plot the average height for various heights of father, well, what do I need to do? 16:02:04 Is father is currently aggregated, but you can change a continuous measure into a dimension by clicking on the right arrow in the columns, or rows depending on where you're variable is and then going to currently you can see it's a measure that has been summed. 16:02:23 I can click dimension which will turn it into a dimension instead. 16:02:27 So now you can see I've got this. It's seen as an automatic, but I could go to change it into a scatter plot by choosing circle, for instance. 16:02:36 Now it's a scatter plot, or I can go to line. 16:02:40 So this is the line shot. We're line chart. 16:02:44 We were seeing early here. So what if I want my line chart to have little marks at all the observations you can do that by going into let's see a visit path. 16:02:53 It is not path, it's not size, it's color, so in color there is a markers right here that I'm hovering over with my cursor. 16:03:02 I can see it in the middle. There's one with the little circles on it. 16:03:06 So if I click on that it's hard to see. 16:03:08 But you can now see that there are points at each each data point in the in the, at each data point, in struggling each data point on the line for the data, there's a point there. 16:03:23 These are kind of small, and unfortunately playing around with the size doesn't change it. 16:03:29 So if I increase the size, it increases the size of both the line and the point. So it's still kind of hard to see the points. 16:03:36 So what we can go ahead and do is, we can also add a scatter plot. 16:03:41 So if you want to make more than one plot, I can go ahead and do height, and now you can see I have 2 plots, and I'll change this again from some to average and then when I'm gonna go ahead and do is I'm gonna go ahead and change the change it from 16:04:02 line to circle. Not all of them. Let's go back. 16:04:06 Change this back to line. So I'm gonna click on the one I'm gonna change this to circle so now you can see the second one is a circle. 16:04:16 And what you can do is you can combine these 2 by going on here and clicking on dual axis, and so then what dual access does is it's gonna put both of them. 16:04:26 You can see, though, that the access for the first plot is on the left, and the access for the second plot is on the right. 16:04:33 I'm gonna double, click this and then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click, synchronize dual access axis. 16:04:42 And now you can see that I have a scatter plot on top of the line chart that makes it a little easier to see, and I can control the size of the circles independently. 16:04:52 If I'd like, okay. 16:04:55 All right. So that's the first type of line chart we're going to see where you plied an aggregated measure against an unagregated measure that you've captured sort of as a dimension. 16:05:07 The next thing we're gonna see? We'll see after I clear off this data we're gonna go ahead and look at a completely different data set. 16:05:16 So we've been dealing with the Galton data sets. 16:05:19 So let's go to data source. And in here there's also a data set called Index closes 2022. 16:05:27 And then, if I wanna get rid of a data set that's on here in the little data area, I can pull it off. 16:05:37 And maybe I can also just click new data source text file index closes. 16:05:43 So you can do this and follow along if you'd like using the data folder of the repository. 16:05:51 If you're working on the online version of the app, you're going to need to drag and drop the index closes and index closes onto the the app when you're loading the data. 16:06:03 So let's go ahead. And now we'll see a different type of data. 16:06:07 So here we've got dates. We've got different closes. 16:06:12 And each of these closes these things in Dow Close, Nasdaq, close, snp, close. 16:06:18 These are giving the closing value of the Ess and P. 16:06:22 500, that Nasdaq either 100 or composite. 16:06:24 I don't remember. And the Dow Jones industrial average for each trading day of 2,022 as a fraction of its initial trading value. 16:06:36 So what we can do here is we can plot this as a line chart, using the date. 16:06:41 So let's learn a little bit about dates and tableau so I'm gonna pull the dates over here and you can see that first. 16:06:48 It gives me year, so dates are automatically aggregated as well in tableau, and so you can see there's a bunch of different options to aggregate or average them. 16:07:00 You can do it by year, by business, quarter by month by day. 16:07:05 There's other options as well, but what I like to do for this one is we're going to go with the 8. 16:07:11 Okay. So now you can see, I've got this exact date here, and it's listing them all. 16:07:16 Now, what I want to do is for the rows. I'm going to put one of my indexes, and we'll see this line chart and what we're gonna do is go back up to analysis and turn off aggregate measures for this. 16:07:28 Okay. So now we've got our line chart here. 16:07:31 And now we're gonna learn a little bit. So this is a time series. 16:07:35 But the other thing we're gonna learn is so in the previous example, we learned about dual axes. 16:07:40 And this example, we'll see that I can plot more than one line by just dragging and dropping, so we can see I've got Ess and P close on the vertical axis right now if I take down clothes and also move it to the vertical axis now i'm got Smp close and 16:07:56 down close. Finally, I can include the closing value for the Nasdaq but by dragging and dropping so that's how we can get multiple lines on a single chart in tableau. 16:08:09 You can just drag the different things that we'd like to plot over here. 16:08:13 Now the down downside of this is, they all have to be the same type of mark. 16:08:20 So here it's alive. But I could, for instance, change one of them to be a scatter plot, and the other one to be aligned. 16:08:29 They all have to be lines, or they all have to be scatter plots, as you can see. 16:08:33 So I'm gonna go back to lines. Alright. So let's go back to our lecture to make sure I've got everything. 16:08:39 So we did this. We did, adding markers to align with dual access. 16:08:45 We did dates and tableau, we added multiple lines. So now you have a pretty comprehensive start to line charts in tableau as there reminder. 16:08:55 I will be adding the completed versions of both plots to our adish Institute tableau, public profile, so it will say, a lecture, 7 line charts completed workbooks, one and 2 okay, or maybe I'll just have them as separate sheets. 16:09:12 Who knows? Okay. So now you've got that.