Python Prep Introduction Recorded Transcript This transcript was created with a speech to text software. Please excuse any typos or mismatches with the video. 11:11:59 Hi! Everybody! Welcome to the python. Prep. Series from the Aerosh Institute. 11:12:04 This is our introduction video. So in this video, we're gonna go over what you need to know about the pipthon prep content hopefully help you understand how to access it. 11:12:14 And then we'll introduce you to what we're gonna go over. 11:12:17 So I wanna point out that some of these videos have been updated from the 2022 versions. 11:12:23 You're currently watching the 2023 version, which is the most recent format of the video. 11:12:27 I'm gonna give you an introduction of how to access the content within the Github or repository. 11:12:32 Once you've cloned it onto your machine. If all of those sound unfamiliar, make sure you have cloned the repository before watching the rest of this video, there are instructions on how to set up your Github account and then clone a repository onto your 11:12:48 computer in the Erdosh Institution website. So let me go ahead and share my Jupiter notebook. 11:12:55 There we go, and here we go. So this is the Jupiter Notebook. 11:13:01 This is what it looks like once you've opened a Jupiter environment within your computer, either using the command line or the anaconda navigator. 11:13:09 So this is what it should look like if you are in the python, prep repository, this will be a folder. 11:13:16 That is on your local machine or computer. And what we're going to be looking at now is for these lectures will be contained in the lectures of Folder. 11:13:27 Each of the lectures have a name. You're seeing some stuff that may not be available in your version of the repository. 11:13:36 Since I am the author, I have more files that have not made it to the final version of their repository. 11:13:38 We're gonna look at this introduction lecture. 11:13:41 So I want to point out some of the videos you'll be watching this series were recorded in 2022, when the videos also had numbers and ordering, we were trying to make it a little bit more modular. 11:13:52 So we can come in and bring you additional information when needed. 11:13:55 So I'm removing the numbers. And so all the titles are the same but the lectures no longer have lecture numbers in front of them. 11:14:03 So here's our introduction video. I wanna point out that this is the errors Institute. Python, prep. 11:14:10 Content. This is, these are designed. These notebooks are designed for people who have 0 experience with python and or 0 experience with coding. This is designed for you. 11:14:22 If you're looking to learn either pipe, maybe you know some coding, and you want to learn some python, or, if you know, some nothing, if you know nothing about coding or python, and you want to learn so the idea here, is we have a lot of 11:14:33 python based content at the Erdos Institute, including our data Science Boot Camp, and our goal. With this python prep. 11:14:39 Content is to be able to get you up to speeds. 11:14:42 You can hit the ground running when it comes time to communicate our other python, based. 11:14:48 So as someone who is maybe new. If you are someone who is new to python or new to coding, this can all be very overwhelming. 11:14:56 And I want to point out and stress that that is okay. 11:14:59 You are learning new stuff. Maybe you're learning new coding concepts. 11:15:02 In addition to learning new python syntax, you're learning about, how to set up a github account how to clone things from a repository, learning all sorts of new stuff. 11:15:11 So go through whatever you can at your own pace. Make sure though, if you're going at your own pace, make sure that you're setting aside enough time to get through this material before whatever Erdos institute content that includes python starts so of some mistakes that people have made in 11:15:28 the past is thinking they can get through the python prep content, and like an evening or an afternoon, it is a lot of content, and some of it is a little long, so make sure you give yourself enough time to get through it so you can review these notebooks work the practice. 11:15:45 Problem. So after you're done with the lectures, there are practice problems for every single lecture you can go through some of the lectures have been combined into a single practice problem notebook. 11:15:55 But you can go through practice here and make sure you understand the concepts clearly in these lectures okay, so that's it for the introduction. 11:16:03 I'm excited for you to get to learn more about python and coding, in general, and I'm excited to help you get there I hope you have a great rest of your day alright.