bokeh Introduction Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 16:07:06 Hi, everybody. Welcome back in this video, we're continue to learn about data visualization with python and start learning about the Boca package 16:07:17 So, Boka is the python package, with the goal of making interactive data visualizations for modern web browsers. 16:07:25 So if you're interested in seeing some examples of what you can accomplish with Boca, encourage you to check out this gallery link, maybe we'll check out a single example where you can see we've made a bar charts of some sort of data and you can hover 16:07:39 Over them and get extra information. So this is sort of an example of an interactive chart. 16:07:46 So what are we gonna cover in Boco? We're not gonna dive as deep into it as we did for Matt. 16:07:51 Potlib, but we'll learn a little bit so that you can learn more on your own if you're interested. 16:07:56 So we're gonna cover how to make, just scatter and line plots. 16:07:59 So we're not gonna cover the whole range of chart types that we learned in the other 2 packages. 16:08:04 I'm gonna leave it to you to discover those on your own but we'll give you enough of a foundation in the package. 16:08:10 Fundamentals with the scatter in line plots that you could learn any other chart type that you might want to. 16:08:17 Then we'll show you we're gonna start with just static plots that don't have any interactivity and then we'll talk about how we can add interactivity to them. 16:08:26 So it's very likely that you do not have Boca already installed in your laptop or on your laptop or or computer, whatever you're working with. 16:08:37 That's okay. Go. I've included the download or the installation instructions from the documentation page here. 16:08:44 So, if go ahead and try and install that if you need to pause the video and do that, go ahead and try that. 16:08:51 And then, once you think you have installed Boca, go ahead and try and run the following 2 code chunks so if you're able to install Boko correctly, what you should see is no errors in particular, you should see the printed version of the package down here so 16:09:10 these notebooks were written with version 3.0 3 are written with version 3.0 3. 16:09:16 So, if your version is slightly before or slightly after, you probably are fine beyond, you know slightly. 16:09:24 However, we want to define slightly. There's a chance that some of the code that you see me write in this in these series of notebooks may not work for your package, as always. 16:09:33 If you come up with an error, you're trying to run code that I've written in one of the notebooks, it's likely that it's a version difference, causing the error, in which case I encourage you to do a web search of the error along with the version that you 16:09:47 Are using, and you should be able to figure out what changes you need to make in order to make the code work. 16:09:54 So we're first going to learn how to create the basic static plots for scatter and line plots. 16:10:01 We'll talk about how to alter the aesthetics of our non graphic objects using Boca. 16:10:07 We'll then add some interactivity to our graphs, and at the very end I'll show off how you can use Javascript, which again, I don't. 16:10:13 I'm not assuming that any of you know, Javascript, but for those of you that do, it might be nice to see how you can use Javascript in conjunction with Boca to add a little bit more advanced interactivity to your plots. 16:10:26 So we've introduced the package in our next video. 16:10:30 We're gonna go ahead and get started with how Boca handles figures as well as seeing how to make scatter in line pots in Boca.