Tables Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 09:50:06 Hi! Everybody! Welcome back in this video. We're going to learn about how you can make various tables in tableau. 09:50:13 So these are summary tables, while some people might not think of them as a visualization, are a way to visualize data, and sometimes they might be preferred. 09:50:22 If you're just if your goal is just to display a few numbers, some people prefer to use a table as opposed to a bar chart. 09:50:29 So maybe you want to display the Median body mass of a penguin based upon the species. 09:50:36 So that's 3 numbers using our penguin's data set. 09:50:39 And people might prefer to see that as a table as opposed to a visualization, so there are 2 types of tables. 09:50:46 We can create in tableau. The first is a text stable, the second is a highlight table, so let's go ahead and get to tab below again. 09:50:55 As I said, we're using our penguins data set, so make sure you load that up. 09:50:59 And and once you've got that loaded you're ready to go. 09:51:02 So what we're gonna do is show off how to make a table. 09:51:05 So for this one let's go with, let's just go with the body mass, and I'm gonna put this into the rows. 09:51:14 And you'll see that the default at first is a bar. 09:51:17 So actually, the first thing I want to do is I wanna make the Median summ I'm gonna pretend I'm doing like a 5 number summary. 09:51:23 So the minimum, the upper and lower core tiles, the maximum and the median so I'm gonna do median. 09:51:30 And then what I'm gonna do is go over here to show me currently it's a horizontal bar quote unquote. 09:51:38 But what we're gonna do is click on text table. 09:51:42 Okay. So we've got text table here. The next thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to do the same thing. 09:51:51 Body, mass. Put this over into the room, and then, for some reason, tableau is very annoying. 09:51:59 And it moves things. How you think you want them moved. Okay? 09:52:03 So now you can see, once we have more than one thing in the table. 09:52:07 We're in the table form now. Tableau will automatically generate a if you have multiple things, it'll automatically make this thing called the measure values. 09:52:16 And so what we're going to go ahead and do is first turn this into the lower core tiles. 09:52:24 So for that you'll click percentile. And 25 is the lower and we're gonna keep going. 09:52:31 So we're gonna do body mass. And now for new things, instead of bringing it up here we're gonna bring it to the measure values which will collect the measures that we're showing in our table. 09:52:42 So now I'm gonna go ahead and add a new one. 09:52:47 Make this the median. 09:52:49 Now I'm gonna add another one, which will be the upper core tile. 09:52:55 So that is percentile 75. And then finally, I'm gonna do the maximum. 09:53:01 So again body mass, switch, switch the measure over to the maximum. 09:53:07 Okay. Now, you might say, this is not the best ordering and I'd agree with you. 09:53:12 So I'm gonna switch the minimum ordering by clicking on it, dragging it and waiting till you see the little orange arrow showing you where it would be placed, and I will drop it. 09:53:21 And now we go for minimum 20, fifth percentile, Median, 70, fifth percentile and maximum. 09:53:29 So what we can do if we want to like. I think we can edit this. 09:53:33 Oh no! So here's another thing we haven't seen yet. 09:53:37 The back button will undo the mistake. I just made, so why don't we try and right-click, and see if we do format? 09:53:44 If this allows us to change, it doesn't look like it. 09:53:49 Maybe the 10 interesting. So now it doesn't let me. 09:53:54 Maybe if I go over here it's possible that I cannot format it. 09:54:00 If I if I do this. Okay? So it looks like I can't format it, or it's not immediately clear to me how I can change the text. 09:54:07 If I'd like, maybe Edit, alias. There we go! 09:54:11 If I go to edit, alias instead of percentile 25, I could put lower quartile. 09:54:21 And then I could do the same thing here. So right click or control click, and Mac, and do edit alias, and then I can change this into upper quartile. 09:54:32 Okay. So now we've got a text table. The next thing. 09:54:36 Oh, let me go ahead and edit that one more time. 09:54:39 So it still says of body mass. G, okay. So another thing that we can do is with our tables is, first, we'll close the format measure names. 09:54:53 We can add columns that will break it up so let's say we first wanted to the sets. 09:55:00 So we wanna see the mass by the sex. And maybe what we also wanna do is we wanna filter it out so we don't include the noles. 09:55:06 So we've added a filter. We've seen this before. 09:55:09 So now we've got the body mass 5 number summaries for males and females. 09:55:14 But maybe we want to do both species and sex, so we can put species in here. 09:55:20 And so we can actually currently it's displaying it as sex. 09:55:25 As the overlying group, and then the subgroups are the species. 09:55:29 But we can also do it the other way, just by rotating or moving the order. 09:55:34 So, if species is listed first in the columns, then that's the overlying group, are the 3 different species, and then sex is the underlying group. And there we go. Yeah. 09:55:45 So now we've made a text table that displays the 5 number summaries for the different types of penguins within, and also the different sects of penguins. 09:55:56 And yeah, okay, so that's a text table. 09:55:59 Let's go ahead and show off what a highlight table is. 09:56:02 So the difference between a text table and a highlight table is that you can only use a. 09:56:09 So here we provided 5 different measures and it's in a highlight table. 09:56:15 You can only provide one. So let's again go with body mass, and I'll put that here and then let's do. 09:56:21 Maybe average. 09:56:24 Average body, mass, and then we'll do species as well as. 09:56:33 Sex. And now go to show me. 09:56:35 And click on highlight tables. Okay, so the difference here is this highlight table. 09:56:42 And once again actually let me go ahead and filter real quick. 09:56:45 I don't want these missing values. I don't like them. 09:56:49 Okay, so with this highlight table, and it allows you to show a single measure which for us is the average body mass and then it breaks it down like we've provided. 09:56:59 So species got broken down as the columns and sex cut, broken down as the rose by a tableau. 09:57:06 Automatically when we switched to the highlight table. But you'll also notice that now the table is colored. 09:57:13 Okay, so this table is colored where the lightest color represents the smallest average body mass and the darkest color represents the largest average body mass. 09:57:24 And again we could change this if we like. If we go to edit colors, it gives us some options, so we can change the palette if we would like to. 09:57:34 So maybe gray. Maybe we prefer grey maybe we prefer gray. I believe that sometimes we can do. If we did advance like we could change the numbers if we wanted to. 09:57:46 But I'm just gonna stick with this. Okay. So maybe we like grey better than than blue. 09:57:53 Okay, so now we've seen the 2 types of tables that we can make. 09:57:56 Let's go ahead and double. Check the slides to make sure we covered everything. 09:58:01 So we did the text tables. We did the text tables. 09:58:04 We did this. We did highlight tables. And yeah, that's it. 09:58:08 Okay, so that's it. For this video. You've seen how to make both text tables and highlight tables in tableau again, tables are sometimes useful and preferred to visualizations. 09:58:21 If you're just showing off a few numbers a nice feature about the highlight tables as it can provide both a color and a numeric interpretation. 09:58:28 Maybe the color is a little bit easier to read, for some people. 09:58:31 Okay, so that's it for this video. I hope you enjoyed learning about tables and tableau and I hope to see you next time.