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Effects of climate change on species distribution

Balthazar Charles, Spyridon Lentas, Lubna Shibly Mokatren, Palak Arora, Kevin Specht


The ArtPortalen is a swedish website where users can report sightings of species on the Swedish territory. For (almost) each record, the species, date of sighting and coordinates are available. 80% of the entries are after 2001, almost all after 1981, but previous records have been added such that the database has records as far as 1641.

Main objective: discover trends of species repartition over time, measure possible correlation with historical meteorological data.
- Is there a northward creep ?
- Do some species stay longer in the year ?
- Clustering/classifying the species reaction ?

Special difficulties: the database logs 100M observation of over 40000 species, making it 58GB. It is very imbalanced between taxons. We should probably find a way to reduce to reduce the data for easier handling, without cherry picking (such as concentrating on arthropods). Moreover, some fields are in swedish, which I do not talk.


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