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The Erdős Institute is a multi-university collaboration focused on helping PhDs get jobs they love at every stage of their career. Founded in 2017, the Institute helps train and place a diverse pool of graduate students, postdocs, and graduate alumni.


Participants from sponsoring institutions have free access to all of the Career Exploration & Career Launch programming and resources that the Institute provides. Examples include the "Invitations to Industry" Career Exploration Seminars, Data Science Bootcamps, Alumni-Led Mini-Courses, Interview Prep Workshops, and Career Coaching.

Our Team

Alec Clott, PhD

Alec Clott, PhD

Head of Data Science Boot Camp Projects

Sr. Principal, Quantitative Analytics and Data Science, Gartner

Amanda Perrin

Amanda Perrin

Head of Industry Placement, Cofounder

The Erdős Institute

Carolynn Pickard

Carolynn Pickard

Career Development Advisor

The Erdős Institute

Emily Nothnagle

Emily Nothnagle

Program Manager, Career Exploration Seminars

The Erdős Institute

Janet Alder, PhD

Janet Alder, PhD

Academic Lead, Biological & Life Sciences

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Postdoctoral Affairs, Assistant Dean for Graduate Academic & Student Affairs, Associate Professor Department of Neuroscience & Cell Biology, Rutgers University

Jared Melendez

Jared Melendez

Career Development Advisor

The Erdős Institute

Karen Smith, PhD

Karen Smith, PhD

Academic Lead, Mathematics

William Fulton Distinguished University Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan

Kevin Tucker, PhD

Kevin Tucker, PhD

Academic Advisor, Mathematics

Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Statistics, and Computer Science, University of Illinois Chicago

Lindsay Warrenburg, PhD

Lindsay Warrenburg, PhD

Associate Director

The Erdős Institute

Matt Osborne, PhD

Matt Osborne, PhD

Senior Alumni Advisor, Curriculum Development

The Erdős Institute &
Senior Operational Analyst, NetJets

Roman Holowinsky, PhD

Roman Holowinsky, PhD

Managing Director, Cofounder

The Erdős Institute
Associate Professor of Mathematics (on leave), The Ohio State University

Suzanne Kovacs

Suzanne Kovacs

Career Development Advisor

The Erdős Institute

Amalya Lehmann, PhD

Amalya Lehmann, PhD

Head of Academic Memberships & Community

The Erdős Institute

Carmen Pomales

Carmen Pomales

Executive Assistant

The Erdős Institute

Donnie Seidle

Donnie Seidle

Career Development Advisor & Partnerships

The Erdős Institute

Ghanashyam Khanal, PhD

Ghanashyam Khanal, PhD

Quantum Computing Instructor

The Erdős Institute
Quantitative Analyst at Citibank

Janet Box-Steffensmeier, PhD

Janet Box-Steffensmeier, PhD

Senior Academic Advisor

Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science and Professor of Sociology, The Ohio State University. President Emerita, American Political Science Assoc.

John Beacom, PhD

John Beacom, PhD

Academic Lead, Physics & Astronomy

Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy; Director of CCAPP, The Ohio State University

Kevin Nowland, PhD

Kevin Nowland, PhD

Senior Alumni Advisor,
Software Engineering for Data Science

ML Ops Engineer, Aware

Kristina Knowles, PhD

Kristina Knowles, PhD

Head of UX Research Boot Camp Projects

The Erdős Institute

Marissa Renardy, PhD

Marissa Renardy, PhD

Industry Lead, Pharmacometrics

Principal Scientist at Applied BioMath

Peter March, PhD

Peter March, PhD

Senior Academic Advisor

Distinguished Professor of Mathematics; Executive Dean Emeritus, School of Arts and Sciences, Rutgers University

Steven Gubkin, PhD

Steven Gubkin, PhD

Head of Training & Assessment

The Erdős Institute

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