Producing Business Outcomes from Seattle Public Library Checkout Data
Josephina Wright, Kaitlynn Lilly, James Cameron, Pradyut Karmakar, Danielle Reagan
I have a passion for reading/writing, which is why this dataset is so appealing to me.
Business outcomes
I’m sure the goals of the project will morph as the class continues, but ‘checkouts’ could be related to number of books sold, and there are many questions that could be answered such as:
Can we predict checkouts by things like publisher, author’s history of checkouts, ratings of past books by the author, number of pages, or number of reviews.
Are certain variables connected, like average rating and number of pages?
My background
Physics PhD Student experienced with general data science, but excited to learn industry methods like regression that don’t necessarily come up in my research
All my coding experience is in Java or recentlyC C++/root, so python will be a new experience for me
My goals with the project
I want to LEARN not add overcomplicated analysis methods I can’t follow or explain to potential employers. (This happened to me in the past leaving me with a project I couldn’t include on my resume because I didn’t understand it)
So be willing to be a team player and not just take over the project.
Preferably know python because I am a c++ girly and will have to learn the nuances of python this semester, but anyone who is willing to put in the work and learn is welcome!