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ChloroFish (New Atlantis)

Mercy Amankwah, Gabriel Khan, David Tweedle, Joseph Schmidt, Noah Rahman


In this project, we seek to understand the relationship between chlorophyll and the health of fisheries and in the process model predictive linkage between chlorophyll (via satellite data) and fishery measures.
Data Source: SEAMAP surveys in the Gulf of Mexico ( which contains:
* Biological data collected by trawling (finfish, shrimp, crustaceans...) including weights, lengths, genus, etc.
* Environmental data at various depths (02 levels, salinity, cholorophyll...)
Some initial research questions include
1) What are some meaningful statistics for the overall health of a fishery? (diversity, total biomass)
2) Which environmental factors can be used to predict fishery health? In particular, what is the relationship between chlorophyll and larger ocean species?

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